What's in a name... Saturday, May 30, 2009

There are two things regarding this blog that you probably will want to know...

First, why is it called 'pastorlayman.blogspot.com'? Am I a pastor yet? Nope. Am I called to be a pastor? Last time I checked, yes. But hopefully , you can see the irony of the designation 'pastorlayman'. If not, let me explain. Typically you are either one or the other. You're a pastor (i.e. clergy) or you're not (i.e. layman). Well thanks to providence and my family name, I will one day get to be both. So, welcome to my oxymoronic existence. Glad you're here.

Second, why the title 'Nearer Still'. The deep spiritual reason is that it reminds me every day I am one step closer to the Celestial City where I will dwell for eternity with my Savior. The practical reason is that it was the only two words in a hymn that I liked enough to be a title. It was either that or "my bondage" or "the boast" or "one plea". (If you know these hymns, you get bonus points.) Hopefully I made the right choice.

Consider yourself informed and intrigued.